crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
crude palm kernel oil refining machinery in Cameroon
  • What is palm kernel oil refining?
  • Palm kernel oil refining is a process to remove unwanted and undesirable elements from the crude palm kernel oil. The elements that are removed include the Free Fatty Acids, Phospholipids, Gums,Odour, Color etc. The palm kernel oil refining aims to make the vegetable oil clean and pure and improves the overall quality of the oil.
  • What is the approach to sustainable oil palm production in Cameroon?
  • The approach is based on field surveys carried out in various production basins, particularly in the South-West, Littoral and Central regions. They also take into account the resolutions of various workshops bringing together stakeholders on the matter of sustainability in the oil palm sector in Cameroon.
  • Where does Cameroon's palm oil come from?
  • Most of the imported palm oil comes from Indonesia, Malaysia and Gabon. For several years, Cameroon has been faced with a dilemma: boosting productivity without jeopardizing sustainably.
  • What percentage of palm oil is produced by smallholders in Cameroon?
  • Indeed, the proportion of palm oil produced by smallholders has steadily increased in Cameroon from 10 to 26% today. In Indonesia and Malaysia, smallholders account for roughly 40% of the total area of planted oil palm and as much as 33% of the output, due to lower yields, on average.